Word Sense Disambiguation
Edited by Eneko Agirre and Philip Edmonds
Chapter 11: WSD in NLP Applications
Philip ResnikAbstract
When is word sense disambiguation useful in practice? This chapter considers applications of word sense disambiguation in language technology, looking at established and emerging applications and at more and less traditional conceptions of the task.Links
Biomedical WSD test collectionContents
11.1 Introduction. 299
11.2 Why WSD?. 300
Argument from faith. 300
Argument by analogy. 301
Argument from specific applications. 302
11.3 Traditional WSD in applications. 303
11.3.1 WSD in traditional information retrieval 304
11.3.2 WSD in applications related to information retrieval 307
Cross-language IR.. 308
Question answering. 309
Document classification. 312
11.3.3 WSD in traditional machine translation. 313
11.3.4 Sense ambiguity in statistical machine translation. 315
11.3.5 Other emerging applications. 317
11.4 Alternative conceptions of word sense. 320
11.4.1 Richer linguistic representations. 320
11.4.2 Patterns of usage. 321
11.4.3 Cross-language relationships. 323
11.5 Conclusions. 325
Acknowledgments. 325
References. 326
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